Monday, August 8, 2016

The Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) has forever defeated the menace of ignorance and illiteracy

The Punjab Education Foundation (PEF) has forever defeated the menace of ignorance and illiteracy by helping lakhs of deserving male and female students to continue their studies in partnering schools without being burdened. The educational policies of this foundation have been helpful to provide educated youth to the country. This is no small feat as the disfranchised communities have reposed their trust and confidence over us by sending their children, especially the girls, to the PEF sponsored schools.
Chairman PEF Engr. Qamar ul Islam Raja said this while addressing the district coordination meeting of school partners from Bahawalnagar district at district council hall, today.
While giving a detail of different PEF sponsored reforms in the school education sector, he said that organized teachers and head teachers’ capacity building program will help to improve the academic standards of the partnering schools. Partner schools are also directed to ensure that governmental instructions with regard to schools’ security and eradication of dengue are fully implemented to provide secure and clean atmosphere to the students. He said that different IT based reforms are regularly made to ensure that PEF system serves in a transparent and efficient way. Our student information system is state-of-the-art program to store more than two million students’ data efficiently, he added. School partners should ensure that their record is entered completely and error-free. Similarly, schools should also resolve their all registration related matters well in time.
MD PEF Tariq Mahmood said that extraordinary efforts are made to promote education in the remote and far flung areas of the southern districts. Our cholistan schooling project has helped to spread education in nook and corner of the vast desert spreading over three districts. 67 percent of PEF partner schools and 69 percent of total students belong to southern districts of the province. He further told that planning to provide free textbooks for the academic year 2017-18 has started already. Education is the basis of national development and our students will prove themselves as youth role models to proactively serve in the national mainstream, he concluded.
The meeting was also addressed by the program directors.